Later, a similar subsystem was added to Vote-By-Net that allowed shareholders to give their consent to being sent electronic (rather than printed) copies of the company's annual report. The Consent Gathering System contained much of the same functionality, and features were added to the original system that allowed endusers to easily go to the consent gathering portion after they had voted their shares. It was developed during late 1997.
The vbnadmin account has some useful aliases defined upon login in the .alias file (sourced in the .cshrc) These aliases are:
home | jump to /home/ where a lot of data files are kept, as well as being the parent directory for both the secure and normal web servers (more on that later) |
atd | jump to insecure htdocs root, /home/ |
atsd | jump to secure htdocs root, /home/ |
atb | jump to insecure cgi-bin root for the admin section, /home/ |
atsb | jump to the secure cgi-bin root, /home/ |
cr | edit the crontab file |
vl | view last entries of log for normal web server /bbn/logs/hterror_207.121.184.68_http_80 |
vsl | view last entries of log for secure web server /bbn/logs/hterror_207.121.184.68_https_443 |
It has links for the following:
Each company's files should be moved to a temporary directory (in case new consents are coming in and being appended to the files you're working with) and then catted together (in order of date) into a single file for each company. (i.e. if the company's issue number was 09999, run 'cat 09999* > total_09999' or some such.)
To make life easier for them and more difficult for the vbnadmin, these total_xxxxx files should then be divided on a per record basis based on rather the last digit is an "A" or an "S". (this indicates whether the user came to the consent system directly, or skipped over from a link at the end of the proxy vote process.)
So in the end, you should send FCTC a zipped file containing two files for each company that has records in the consentraw directory, even if some of those files are zero length. The consentraw files should have been moved from the consentraw directory to a temporary space for working (since the site is almost always live, and entries appended to the end of the files you'd be working with) Afterwards, the original files should be moved to the consentbackup directory for safe keeping and archiving.
More info on these files can be found on BBN's Configuring .nsconfig page, taken from