
The Vote-By-Net system allows shareholders of a particular company to vote their shares via proxy over the Internet. It can contains links into the parallel "Consent Gathering System" (gathers consent for the sending of annual meeting materials on line) although the two systems are independent.

Shareholders connect to http://www.vote-by-net.com and are sent to https://www.vote-by-net.com/cgi-bin/login.pl to start the voting process. Optionally, a URL of the form http://www.vote-by-net.com/login/companyname can be setup within the system allowing a "branded" start page. (Many of the pages contain custom headers and footers that bring corporate identity into the proxy process.

Notice that some of these URLS are https, i.e. ports secured/encrypted by SSL.

Proxy administrators login to http://www.vote-by-net/cgi-bin/admin/admin.pl Because of limitations on the size of files and form info that can be uploaded under Netscape's implementation of SSL, some of the admin section is not on a 'secure server'. However, it is both password and IP-access-restriction protected (via the Netscape .nsconfig directive, which uses 'Standard Unix encrypted passwords'-- BBN provides a program wa_pass_encrypt on the server for encrypting these passwords.)

See Site Outlines Below for more file information

Perl Files

Each screen can be associated with the perl file that generated it. Here is a flowchart of the shareholder experience:

These files make use of javascript to implement intelligent onscreen behavior. In particular, proxy.pl implements radio buttons by javascript, can automatically fill in the appropriate boxes when 'Board's Recommendation' is selected, can ensure the form is filled out before proceding, etc.

Another important file is "setup.pl". Almost every other perl script relies on this file, both for configuration information (names of directories, locations of files, etc) and commonly used functions (to produce the html to show the logo, reading in a proxy file and putting the information into global variables, etc) "cgi-lib.pl" and "CGI_Lite.pm" are standard perl modules for parsing the CGI information (CGI_lite is used because it supports handling of the netscape 'upload' tag)

The admin experience is fairly straight forward, with utilities for the creation of proxies as well as the editing of graphical logos. Javascript is used extensively in proxyedit.pl, adding some smart behavior to the page (for instance, automatically filling in the custom color blanks)

Other Files and Directories

When the proxy admin creates a new proxy, a description of that proxy is created in /home/ Each proxy ini file is named after the issue number of the paper proxy is represents. The files are of the following format:
($names are variable, everything else is a constant, colors indicate fields that grouped and repreated (ie unique information needed for nominee, for each proposal, for each option)
$companyname company name
$startdate unix date/time stamp for when proxy is eligible for being voted on
$enddate unix date/time stamp for when proxy is no longer valid
$colorspec color info in ready-for-BODY-tag form
NOLOGO or $logourl NOLOGO = Don't use a graphical logo, anything else is the URL of logo graphic for every page except the proxy page
DONAME or NONAME DONAME = repeat name at top of proxy in bold lettering, NONAME means don't
DOREC or NOREC or $rec NOREC = Don't Display Board's Recommendation and don't use javascript to 'autocheck' Board's Recommendation, DOREC means do autochecking and automaticlaly generate written description of board's recommendation, anything else is custom text for board's recommendation
$nomcount nuber of nominees for director
$nomcols number of nominees in each row (usually 3 or 4)
$nompos Position of Nominees within all Proposals.
$nom[0] nominee's name
DOLINK or NOLINK DOLINK = include link to more info, NOLINK = don't
$propcount number of propositions
$prop[0] or NODESC proposition name
DOLINK or NOLINK DOLINK = include link to more info, NOLINK = don't
TYPEFAA or TYPEFW TYPEFAA = for/against/abstain options, TYPEFW = for/withhold options
ag or fr or xx Board's Recommendation for this issue: fr=for, ag=against/withhold, xx=no recommendation
$optcount number of options at bottom of proxy
$opt[0] option name
$optid[0] option number
DOLINK or NOLINK DOLINK = include link to more info, NOLINK = don't
DOLEGAL or NOLEGAL DOLEGAL = include legal disclaimer, NOLEGAL = no legal disclaimer
(optional legal text) text of legal recommendation, all on one line
(optional thanks message)Message appearing after Proxy has been record, all on one line
commentemailAddres to send comments to via e-mail
loginpagenameName for static login page, usually of the form https://www.v-b-n.com/login/loginpagename. (Though actually set by the variable $dirloginpage) This allows external links directly to this page.
consentjump[JUMP] says that a jump to the corresponding "online materials consent" will be offered, otherewise [NOJUMP]
doproxylogoif [NONE}, doproxylogo is set to 0, otherwise dorpoxylogo is set to 1 and proxylogoname is set to this value- the proxy logo is the one used only on the proxy page itself, a sopposed to the regular logo used on all other pages.
consentjumptextText to print when the jump to consent is offered
commenttextA brief message inviting the shareholder to send feedback using the feedback system, displayed on thanks screen
returntextA brief message saying the user can go to FCTC pages or vote another proxy, displayed on thanks screen
headertextHTML appearing at top of every customized page, except the proxy itself
footertextHTML appearing at bottom of every customized page, except the proxy itself
longboardnameThe long name for the companies "Board of Directors" term
shortboardnameThe long name for the companies "Board" (of directors) term
tintextOn the login page, the text asking for the Taxpayer Identification Number
tinnotetextOn the login page, the text saying the vote won't count if the company has the TIN and its not entered
doboardpluralIf this holds, [PLURALYES] $verber goes to "" and doboardplural is true, else $verber holds "s" and doboardplural is false. "Verber" is stuck to the end of the word "recommend", because if the term is "The Board", the verb needs to be "recommends" but if the term is "The Directors" then the verb needs to be "recommend"
checkthisboxtextText on proxy form saying check this box to vote WITH the board of directors
employeeoptiontextif this line is not blank NOR "NOEMP", then employeeoptiontext is blank, otherwise this is the text on the thanks page inviting 'special shareholders' such as employees to press the proceed button below and vote their special shares differently. The results from the second time are then mailed immediately instead of recorded in the database, because they're processed by hand.
employeeoptionemailEmail to send the 'special votes' to.
employeenotificationMessage on the Proxy itself that *this* (second) time through the votes will be processed seperately
employeeprementionMessage on the Proxy itself (first time through) that employees and special shareholders will be given the option to vote special shares special-ly will be given later.
These files are used by proxy.pl to automatically generate the proxy form. Further information (the DOLINKs) are physical HTML files generated and stored on the server in the directory /home/, in a directory that has the same name as the prxy ini file. Nominee descriptions are named "n#.html", Propositions "p#.html", and options "o#.html", where # is the number of the object (counted starting at zero)

Logos are kept in /home/

Once the shareholder votes, the vote is stored in a file named after the issue number in the directory /home/
Each record is 108 characters and has the following format:
Issue Number 4 digits Unique proxy identifier, prepended with zeros
Sequence Number 10 digits identifier of shareholder, prepended with zeros
Social Security Number 4 digits Last Four Digits of Taxpayer ID number (SSN) OR 4 Zeros
Proxy Vote Pattern 20 characters Contains an "M" and 19 spaces if the shareholder checked "follow board's recommendation" and no other proposal checkboxes or director checkboxes.

Otherwise, If there are nominees that are voted on: The first character is an "I" if the shareholder selects "For all directors except as noted below", otherwise "W"

the other proposals contains a F (for) A (against) or N (abstain) for all 3-option proposals, or a I (for) W (withhold) for all 2-option proposals. Spaces fill up the remaining 20 characters once all proposals have been recorded

Option Patterns 10 characters Every Option has an arbitrary number (1 through 10) associated with it. Call this number n. The nth character in the Option Pattern is a "Y" if that option was checked, and "N" if not. All other placeholders in the Option Pattern are filled with spaces
Directors Withhold 30 characters 30 "Y"s if the shareholder selected "Withhold from all nominees", otherwise "Y" for every name with a check, "N" for every name without a check, and spaces filling up the remaining 30 characters. If there is no Director Vote on this proxy, 30 spaces
PIN 6 digits 6 digit Pin. The first two digits are used by proxy.pl to ensure data integrity. The first two digits must meet the following algorithm:
  1. Take the 16 digits of issue # + sequence # + CheckDigits
  2. Add the digits of step 1, adding every EVEN digit in twice
  3. Take the sum of step 2 and divide by 10. the remainder is the first PIN digit
  4. take the 15 digits of issue # + sequence # + first PIN digit from step 3.
  5. Add the digits of step 4, adding every ODD digit in twice
  6. Take the sum of step 5 and divide by 10. the remainder is your second PIN digit
timestamp 6 characters Time of vote in HHMMSS in 24 hour format.
datestamp 8 characters Date of vote in MMDDYYYY format, months being numbered with January as 1.
End of Line 1 character Carriage Return

Daily Procedures

Every day a script, gathervotes.pl, is kicked off by a cronjonb to gather the days votes, compile them into a single file, and send that file to FCTC.

The script lives in /home/ and does the following:

The source code for asc2eb_stripCR and mailmime are kept in /home/