FCTC VBN Consent Gathering System
The First Chicago Trust Corporation's Vote-By-Net Online Annual Report Consent Gathering System (hereafter referred to as the 'Consent System') collects Consents on a per-company basis. The system consists of the 'user experience' (what a typical shareholder would see when using the system) and a set of tools that allow the customization of each company's 'user experience'-- these tools make up the 'admin experience'

User Experience

The user can connect to the Consent System from the VBN homepage or from an individual consent startpage. (i.e., a page of the form http://www.vote-by-net.com/consent/companyname ) If they start from the VBN page they will go to a generic login screen requesting their issue number and account #. The custom login screens only require the account #. Once the information has been verified (i.e. the check digit checked) the user will go to the main page with the company's logo, the legal statement, input boxes for the user's name, SSN (last 4 digits,) and e-mail address. There will be two buttons: Accept and Do Not Accept. The latter returns to the VBN homepage. The former button goes to the confimration page, where the user's information is redisplayed. (Also a sanity check can be performed on the e-mail address, and an appropriate warning displayed, e.g. "This does not look like a valid e-mail address") The user can return to the previous page to edit the info, or accept the information and go on to the Thanks page. From the thanks page the user can return to the VBN homepage or the company homepage.

Admin Experience

The admin experience is very similar to the Proxy-edit experience. The Proxy and Consent programs will share the logo database, eliminating the need for adding seperate logos for the proxy and online-report consent systems.

Database Information
Here is the information needed to be stored for each consent form:
issue number 4 digit #
company name regular string (no html)
company name, display version HTML string
logo information NOLOGO (= no logo) or Logo URL
color info HTML for [BODY] tag
Consent Statement HTML string
Legal Statement HTML string
Thanks Statement HTML string
Welcome Statement HTML string
Custom Startpage NOPAGE or page's filename (for URL)
Return URL NOURL or web address to return to after thanks message.

Here is the information needed to be saved for each Consent Entry:
issue # 4 digits
account # 10 digits
last 4 digits of SSN 4 digits
Name String: max ?? characters
Email Address String: max ?? characters
Date/Time recorded MMDDYYYYHHMMSS